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Pain relief

Pain relief is a critical component of any rehabilitation or recovery journey, aimed at easing discomfort and improving overall quality of life. Whether pain stems from a chronic condition, an acute injury, post-surgical recovery, or simply the wear and tear of daily life, achieving relief is of paramount importance. At Full Range Wellness, we understand that every individual’s pain is unique, and we strive to provide personalized solutions to alleviate your specific discomfort.

Our skilled practitioners will collaborate with you to develop a customized pain management program. Using a range of therapies, such as electrical stimulation, dry needling, exercise therapy, biofeedback training, and blood flow restriction training, we seek to address the root cause of your pain, not just mask the symptoms. These modalities can be effective in reducing pain perception, promoting healing, improving function, and ultimately, enhancing your comfort and quality of life.

Pain relief is more than just reducing discomfort—it’s about regaining control over your body and returning to activities that you enjoy. With Full Range Wellness, you’ll have a partner committed to helping you navigate your pain management journey, supporting you every step of the way towards a life with less pain and more enjoyment. Pain doesn’t have to be a constant companion; together, we can strive towards a healthier, more comfortable you.


Vestibular Therapy is a particular type of treatment aimed at resolving balance problems and dizziness. These difficulties can occur when there’s trouble within your vestibular system, which includes parts of your inner ear and brain that help control balance and eye movements. Both peripheral and central disorders, related to the inner ear and the brain respectively, can be addressed with this therapy.

At Full Range Wellness, you’ll work with a certified Vestibular Therapist who will design a therapy program specifically for you. This skilled professional will guide you through various exercises and maneuvers, intended to lessen dizziness, improve your balance, and help your brain better adapt to changes in balance. The therapy may involve specific eye and head movements, or exercises to make you feel more stable and secure.

With Vestibular Therapy, your balance and overall well-being can significantly improve. It’s all about helping you regain control of your movements and restore your confidence. Under the guidance of your certified Vestibular Therapist at Full Range Wellness, you’ll navigate through the recovery process, improving your quality of life step by step.

Strengthening & Blood Flow Restriction Training

Strengthening muscles may require a skilled and personalized approach when other forms of exercise have not been effective in reducing pain.  Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training is an advanced exercise strategy that integrates low-intensity exercise with the application of a specialized tourniquet system, designed to moderately limit blood flow to certain muscles. This innovative technique stimulates muscle growth and strength improvements at lower exercise intensities than typically required with traditional strength training.

BFR training requires a unique skill set, especially when it comes to adjusting the pressure of the pneumatic cuffs used in the process. At Full Range Wellness, your highly trained therapist will develop a personalized BFR training program tailored to your specific needs. They will apply these cuffs, akin to blood pressure cuffs, to your limbs and inflate them to a precise pressure. It’s this expert knowledge of setting the appropriate cuff pressure, along with your feedback and comfort level, that ensures the safety and effectiveness of the technique. The partially restricted blood flow initiates a physiological response in your muscles, tricking your body into believing it’s performing high-intensity exercise, thus promoting muscle growth and strength gains at lower workloads.

BFR training serves as a potent tool in your rehabilitation or fitness journey. It’s particularly beneficial for individuals recovering from an injury or surgery or those who are unable to lift heavy weights due to certain conditions. Working closely with your Full Range Wellness therapist, you’ll harness the potential of BFR training to safely and efficiently bolster muscle strength and size, enhancing your physical well-being and performance.

Dry Needling

Dry Needling is a specialized therapeutic method focused on the treatment of musculoskeletal discomfort and movement impairments. The technique involves the strategic insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific points within your muscles, known as trigger points. These are hypersensitive spots within a palpable, taut band of skeletal muscle which can cause localized or referred pain and often result in restricted movement.

Your Full Range Wellness therapist may enhance this dry needling technique by introducing Electrical Stimulation. In this integrative approach, electrodes from a stimulation device are attached to the needles already in place at your trigger points. A carefully controlled electrical current is then delivered through the needles, causing targeted muscle contractions. This process aims to fatigue the myofascial trigger point, disrupting the pain cycle and promoting relaxation of the tense muscle band.

The combination of Dry Needling and Electrical Stimulation is all about precision targeting of musculoskeletal discomfort, offering enhanced pain relief, muscle relaxation, and improved range of motion. In this personalized therapeutic process, you can explore the benefits of this integrative approach. Working closely with your Full Range Wellness therapist, you’ll unlock the potential of this combination to aid your path towards optimal physical well-being.

Biofeedback Training

Biofeedback Training is an advanced therapeutic technique that encourages self-awareness and control over certain physiological functions causing discomfort or pain. It utilizes leading-edge technology, including lasers and brainwave sensing tools, to provide real-time feedback on these often subtle processes. This feedback, conveyed through visual signals, auditory cues, or vibrations, aids in understanding and controlling these physiological activities.

Your Full Range Wellness therapist will develop a biofeedback training plan tailored to your unique needs. The process involves the application of laser technology to track subtle muscle movements and tension, while brainwave sensors monitor the electrical activity within your brain. Receiving immediate feedback on these physiological activities empowers you to understand, control, and adapt your body’s responses, thereby improving your health and comfort.

Biofeedback training places you at the heart of your healing and rehabilitation journey, providing insights into your body’s responses and equipping you with the skills to modify them. The method is rooted in a deeper understanding of your body, taking control, and enhancing your physical well-being. By partnering with your Full Range Wellness therapist, you can harness the transformative potential of biofeedback training.

Electrical Stimulation

Electrical Stimulation, a transformative therapeutic technique, is integral to both pain relief and neuromuscular re-education. It uses controlled electrical currents, directed to specific areas of your body, to alleviate discomfort and restore muscular function. In the context of pain relief, this method works by interrupting the journey of pain signals to the brain, reducing your perception of pain. It also stimulates the release of endorphins, your body’s natural pain relievers. Regardless of the origin of your pain, whether from a chronic condition, recent injury, or post-surgical recovery, your Full Range Wellness therapist will create an electrical stimulation regimen tailored to your pain management needs.

Electrical stimulation shines in neuromuscular re-education, proving invaluable for those who have experienced a stroke, spinal cord injury, or other conditions that disrupt muscular control and coordination. This technique can activate muscles that may be difficult to control voluntarily, assisting in the restoration of regular movement patterns.

During the neuromuscular re-education sessions, electrical currents coax the targeted muscles into systematic contraction and relaxation, mirroring natural muscle movements. Over time, this re-education helps your nervous system and muscles to function cohesively, enhancing your coordination and movement control. With Electrical Stimulation as part of your personalized therapy program, you are not just managing pain, but also improving muscle function and regaining control, all essential for optimizing your physical well-being. With your Full Range Wellness therapist, you’ll explore the powerful benefits of this therapeutic technique on your journey towards improved health and comfort.